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Michelle Palasek has 20 years in the staffing industry working in sales and marketing operations. She currently serves as a Sr. Marketing Communications Specialist at SGA.

The Role of Employee Well-Being in Enhancing Team Performance

The Role of Employee Well-Being in Enhancing Team Performance

Today’s employers are learning an important lesson. Pushing for their teams’ top performance means focusing on something outside the work itself: the well-being of their employees.

According to data from Deloitte, over two-thirds (68%) of employees and 81% of C-suite executives place a high value on well-being. And employers who share that priority can keep their employees engaged, productive, and more effective as a team in several ways.

What Is Employee Well-Being?

First and foremost, it’s important to understand that “employee well-being” is a nuanced and multi-layered term that refers to some combination of these five key areas:

  • Physical health
  • Mental health
  • Emotional health
  • Social health
  • Financial health

Furthermore, a disruption in one area can have a ripple effect that bleeds into others. Consider the link between a lack of sleep and depression, for instance.

In the same way, though, employers who support employee well-being in a holistic sense are often able to reap such benefits as knowing how to improve productivity and team collaboration.

The Benefits of Focusing on Employee Well-Being

In short, learning how to enhance team performance means focusing on the five dimensions of well-being listed above. In doing so, you’ll foster a healthy, well-rested team of employees who can be an asset to your organization in the following ways:

Less Burnout

Improved mental health can reduce the incidence of quiet (and even not-so-quiet) quitting. Workers who are emotionally well-adjusted will be more consistently engaged, less stressed, and be able to meaningfully contribute to team collaborations and the services they offer.

Reduced Absenteeism

Physically healthy employees take fewer sick days. And in the same vein, emotionally healthy employees take fewer mental health days. A positive work environment will encourage your workers to arrive on time and stay engaged in their respective tasks.

Improved Satisfaction

Employees who feel valued by their employers are often more committed to the company’s mission. Data from Oxford University shows that even as happy employees work the same number of hours as their colleagues, they are 13% more productive on average.

Positive Work Environment

By shifting your focus to employee well-being, you’ll develop stronger working relationships and greater output from your employees. When your workplace values its employees’ well-being, every part of its culture will be transformed, fostering creativity, empathy, and teamwork in turn.

How to Improve Employee Morale

With so many benefits to increased employee well-being, it never hurts to learn how to improve employee morale. You can improve employee happiness by considering some of the following ideas:

Promote Physical Wellness Programs

Go beyond the company health plan. Promote physical wellness through programs that include things like:

  • Healthy eating initiatives
  • Fitness challenges
  • Access to wellness checkups

Workers may actually love the idea of accountability for their fitness goals.

Provide Mental Health Resources

Sometimes, the simplest way to promote mental health is to simply talk about it. Managers might share insightful articles on the importance of mental health in the workplace. But such discussions should be paired with clear action. Provide access to confidential mental health services. And on a more direct level, allow employees to take mental health days and come back refreshed.

Encourage Mentorship

Pairing new employees with seasoned veterans can accomplish two important goals. First, it provides an opportunity for fresh hires to grow and learn about the company culture. Secondly, it encourages collaboration and communication throughout your workplace, which translates into other settings and empowers your team members to work harmoniously together, even across departments.

Offer Flexibility

According to the latest data, 80% of employees who can work remotely expect to have a hybrid work schedule. Offering that sort of flexibility can help your employees achieve the coveted work-life balance that they seek. It can also improve your ability to attract and retain employees who seek greater balance.

Schedule Play

Effective teams don’t just work hard. They play hard. With that in mind, find fun ways to encourage your team to interact outside of the scope of their immediate projects. Happy hour, for instance, or maybe an employer-sponsored lunch. You might even solicit feedback from your workers to see what they might enjoy. Strengthening your relationships through a bit of fun can be a wonderful way to foster teamwork and inclusion.

Employee Well-Being: The Competitive Edge

In an age where employers struggle with a growing talent shortage, focusing on well-being can give your organization the competitive edge it needs to thrive. The above tips illustrate the need for a holistic approach to company morale, and those who adopt such an approach can expect greater things from their team members.