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Michelle Palasek has 20 years in the staffing industry working in sales and marketing operations. She currently serves as a Sr. Marketing Communications Specialist at SGA.

How to Use Hiring Strategies to Increase Diversity at Your Org

How to Use Hiring Strategies to Increase Diversity at Your Org

In today’s work world, having a team made up of all sorts of people isn’t just the right thing to do; it’s also a smart move for your business. If you want to make your company more diverse, understanding diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) recruitment strategies is vital.

But how do you start? Let’s go through some simple steps to change the way you hire, making sure you not only get a mix of people applying but also make them feel welcome and valued in your company culture.

Understanding DEI Recruitment

Diversity in recruiting isn’t just about ticking off boxes. Hiring for diversity is about building a team that shows off how different and connected our world is. It means paying attention to and appreciating people’s different life stories, what they’ve been through, and their unique ways of looking at things.

The whole idea of DEI recruitment is to make your company a place where everyone is respected and has the chance to shine.

Crafting a Diversity Recruiting Strategy

Creating an impactful diversity recruiting strategy requires a holistic approach. As you embark on the DEI recruiting journey, you’ll need to:

Audit Your Current Hiring Practices

Start by examining your current hiring processes. Is the language used in job descriptions designed to attract diverse talent? Do your company culture and interview process reflect the organization’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion?

This step will help you identify any unconscious biases or barriers that might undermine your diversity recruiting strategies.

If you uncover an issue with your hiring practices, act swiftly to solve the shortcomings. Unbiased and equitable hiring processes are the key to creating diverse and inclusive workforces. If you want your teams to benefit from diversity, company hiring practices should reflect your values.

Rework Job Descriptions

Words matter, so ensure your job descriptions are inclusive. Avoid jargon or terms that might inadvertently discourage underrepresented groups from applying. The focus should be on valuing essential skills and qualifications so that you can attract top candidates.

Job descriptions should appeal to all qualified candidates within the talent pool, not just those with select backgrounds, cultural traits, or experiences.

Oftentimes, poorly written job descriptions can prevent candidates from underrepresented groups from even applying to positions. Once you remedy this issue, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a diverse company.

Diversify Your Talent Sources

To achieve your DEI recruiting goals, expand where and how you search for candidates. Partner with diverse organizations, attend job fairs at historically minority-serving institutions, and use social media platforms to reach a broader audience.

Diversifying your talent sources doesn’t just level the playing field. It can also give your company a competitive edge. Think about it. How can you source the best talent if you aren’t searching the entire talent pool?

Implement Blind Recruitment Practices

Blind recruitment is the process of removing personally identifiable information from resumes. This strategy can help mitigate unconscious bias. Using blind resumes and cover letters allows hiring managers to focus on skills and experience, fostering hiring for diversity.

Expand blind recruitment beyond resume analysis. You can also use blind practices when administering skill tests, reviewing work history, etc. Consider assigning each candidate a random applicant number and withholding each applicant’s personal information from those making the hiring decisions.

Conduct Structured Interviews and Standardized Evaluations

Use structured interviews where every candidate is asked the same set of questions. This standardization helps reduce bias and ensures that all candidates are evaluated on an even playing field.

Apply the same practice to your evaluations. Consider sourcing your evaluations from a third-party skills assessment firm to ensure there is no intrinsic bias in your questions or exam.

Prioritize Inclusive Culture in the Interview Process

The interview process is not just for you to evaluate candidates but also for them to assess your organization. During the interview, candidates can get a feel for your company and the sort of culture you have created.

Make sure that your company’s commitment to DEI is clear and evident during this stage. This can be achieved by having a diverse interview panel and openly discussing your organization’s DEI goals and initiatives.

Provide Training for Hiring Managers

Regular training sessions on unconscious bias and inclusive hiring practices are essential. Equip your hiring managers with the knowledge and tools they need to make unbiased decisions. These sessions will also help them identify and address underlying biases in their own decision-making processes.

Gather Feedback and Improve

Creating a diversity recruiting strategy is not a one-time project. Regularly solicit feedback from new hires and hiring managers to identify areas for improvement. The goal is to continuously optimize your DEI recruitment strategies so you can create a future-proof workforce.

The Impact of DEI Recruiting

Embracing DEI recruiting doesn’t just fill your office with different faces; it brings in a wealth of new perspectives, ideas, and approaches. This diversity of thought can lead to more innovative problem-solving and a better understanding of a diverse customer base.

When your team is composed of people from all walks of life and backgrounds, they can view problems holistically and devise outside-of-the-box solutions to business challenges. Diverse but unified staff members can propel your organization toward its short and long-term goals.

Inclusive Hiring Practices: More Than Just Bringing People In

Think of hiring diverse people as being like starting a garden. It’s not enough to just plant the seeds; you also need to water them, give them sunlight, and take care of them so they grow.

In the same way, after hiring people from different backgrounds, you need to keep supporting them. This means helping them grow in their careers, having mentors they can learn from, and making sure they feel valued and listened to at work.

Make Your Business Strong With Diversity Recruiting

Adding diversity to your hiring process takes continuous effort and the willingness to keep checking to ensure you’re on the right path.

When you hire all kinds of people, you’re not just filling jobs. You’re creating a workplace that’s as diverse as the world around us. This makes your business stronger because you’ll have more interesting conversations, come up with better ideas, and really understand the different people you work with and serve.

Dive into this adventure with an open mind and a real desire to create a workplace that’s diverse, inclusive, and welcoming. The benefits you’ll see in your business and in society as a whole are enormous.