How AI/Machine Learning May Impact How You Work With a Staffing Partner

How AI Machine Learning May Impact

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have already changed how businesses’ process data, manage supply chain operations, and monitor network performance. But how might AI and machine learning impact the way you work with a staffing partner? Here’s how today’s agencies are using AI in staffing and how it will affect your recruitment process. How […]

Building a Strong Cybersecurity Culture Through Process and Accountability

Building a Strong Cybersecurity Culture

According to data from Security Magazine, 75% of business leaders say that cybersecurity is among their top priorities. With so many threats and points of vulnerability, companies are, therefore, striving to build a cybersecurity culture that encompasses their beliefs, values, and practices regarding information technology. Below are some steps you can take to develop a […]

5 Things to Know About Managing Gen Z

5 Things to Know About Managing Gen Z

Ask any successful manager of a diverse team, and they’ll tell you that they manage their younger workers in a starkly different way than their older employees. If you don’t already, it’s time you learn to do the same — with Gen Z expected to make up a quarter of the workforce by 2025, it’s […]

How to Use Hiring Strategies to Increase Diversity at Your Org

How to Use Hiring Strategies to Increase Diversity at Your Org

In today’s work world, having a team made up of all sorts of people isn’t just the right thing to do; it’s also a smart move for your business. If you want to make your company more diverse, understanding diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) recruitment strategies is vital. But how do you start? Let’s go […]

The Role of Employee Well-Being in Enhancing Team Performance

The Role of Employee Well-Being in Enhancing Team Performance

Today’s employers are learning an important lesson. Pushing for their teams’ top performance means focusing on something outside the work itself: the well-being of their employees. According to data from Deloitte, over two-thirds (68%) of employees and 81% of C-suite executives place a high value on well-being. And employers who share that priority can keep […]

How to List Resume Accomplishments (With Examples)

How to List Resume Accomplishments

For years, job seekers have been encouraged to keep their resumes brief, limiting the content to just one page. However, according to recent data, creating a two-page resume makes recruiters 70% more likely to prioritize your application. The question is, how are you going to bolster your application without filling your resume with fluff? Prioritizing […]

Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills: An Employer’s Guide

Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills

According to LinkedIn, over 80% of new hires don’t work out. However, many employers are desperate to find quality talent. In fact, 75% of employers are reporting difficulties in filling roles. In response, many businesses are rethinking the way they recruit, train, and retain staff. Specifically, there’s been a shift away from accolades-based hiring in […]

From Passion to Profession: Turning Your Hobby Into a Career

From Passion to Profession

“Follow your heart” seems to be common advice for everything these days, from romantic relationships to career choices. Still, many people wake up each morning and commute to jobs that pay the bills but don’t necessarily feed their passion. While there’s nothing wrong with taking a job for the sole purpose of taking care of […]

Types of Diversity in the Workplace — A Full List

Types of Diversity in the Workplace

Traditionally, business leaders have focused on the basic categories of diversity, which include race, gender, age, ethnicity, nationality, and religion. While these types of diversity are important components of understanding and supporting your workforce, it’s wise to be aware of all the different types of diversity. Here’s a look at several examples of diversity, including […]

Strategies for Managing IT Talent Shortages in 2024

Strategies for Managing IT Talent Shortages in 2024

While conducting a poll of global tech leaders, MIT Technology Review Insights discovered that 56% of respondents are currently concerned about talent shortages in the field of information technology (IT). Additionally, 64% of the respondents say that candidates for tech jobs lack the requisite experience or skills. As the demand for innovative and interconnected technologies […]