10 Interview Questions for Project Managers (PMs)

Interview Questions for Project Managers

Are you looking for ways to prepare for your project manager interview? Whether you are a project manager in banking or applying for a technology project manager role, understanding what sort of questions to expect is vital. If you find yourself on the flip side of the interview table, it’s critical that you ask the […]

Writing a Great LinkedIn Summary in Today’s Job Market

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It wasn’t that long ago that a job seeker had to rely solely on a résumé to get a foot in the door. These days, the online arena offers far more opportunities to wow prospective employers, and they’re definitely looking. Statistics show that 70% of employers research job candidates on social media and 54% report […]

5 Ideas to Streamline/Optimize the Interview and Hiring Process


When positions open in your company, you have an opportunity to hire qualified candidates who will make excellent additions to your team and help drive success and profit. Of course, you may have to sift through hundreds of applicants to find the best fit. This is why streamlining your hiring process is so important. Not […]

Best Practices for Onboarding Remote Employees


According to Forbes, 12.7% of full-time employees work from home, and over a quarter of them participate in some form of hybrid work. As remote work continues to gain traction, virtual onboarding has become a staple of the modern hiring process. With that said, however, onboarding remote employees can prove to be a bit challenging. […]

Best Career Paths for Each MBTI Personality Type


Many employees search for positions that suit them both personally and professionally. While you may know the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) as a personality test, you may not know that you can also use it to help you land your ideal job. If you’re searching for a way to take your professional life up a […]

Building Effective Leadership in Remote Work Environments

Leadership in Remote work

Today’s employees, especially millennials and the members of Gen X, gravitate toward remote work. According to a recent study, 45% of millennials and 62% of Gen X see remote work as their ideal work arrangement. Kellogg Insight, however, suggests that people are more likely to learn from collaborators who are in close proximity to them. […]

Value of Using an External Agency for Staffing in This Tech Market


Technology touches every business today. As such IT talent isn’t reserved for the. – internet service providers (ISPs) and managed service providers (MSPs), hardware and software as a service (SaaS) suppliers, or AI and robotics companies designated as the technology sector. It encompasses aerospace, automotive, pharmaceutical, film, financial services, gaming, virtual reality (VR), social media, […]

List of Personality Interview Questions


When you are evaluating candidates for a position with your company, understanding an individual’s personality is as crucial as assessing their skills and experience. That’s where personality interview questions and prompts come into play. The best personality interview questions will give you a glimpse into a person’s character, work style, and potential cultural fit. With […]

How to Promote DEI at Your Company in 2024 and Beyond


Committing to a workplace that promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is almost expected today. However, it needs to be more than just lip service. You can’t adopt diverse hiring policies but then neglect to create an inclusive and equitable workplace where all employees feel safe, comfortable, respected, and valued. You need to embrace comprehensive […]